BCCI Brexit Updates - Episode 2 of 5

thu29oct2:00 pmthu3:00 pmBCCI Brexit Updates - Episode 2 of 5Trade and Borders

Event Details

About BCCI Brexit Updates:

The Transition Period we are currently enjoying will come to an end on 31 December 2020.  On 1 January 2021, the full effects of Brexit will be felt by everyone doing business between the European Union and the United Kingdom.  The trade negotiations have still not been concluded and many aspects of the future trading relationship remain uncertain.  From 15 October (Boris Johnson’s deadline for conclusion of the trade talks) until December we will be hosting a bi-monthly series of streamed discussions with members of the business community, relevant authorities and experts, aimed at bringing our viewers up to date on latest developments, highlighting in so doing the major issues likely to arise and ways in which businesses can prepare for life  in the post Transition Period world.


29 October at 2:00pm CET


Episode 2: Trade and Borders 

In questa seconda puntata della nostra serie di Brexit Updates, oltre a darvi un aggiornamento sulle vicissitudini delle negoziazioni per un accordo di libero scambio, affronteremo insieme agli esperti di UPS e dell’Ambasciata britannica in Italia un tema essenziale per gli scambi commerciali tra l’Italia e il Regno Unito: il trasporto transfrontaliero delle merci.  Quali sono i cambiamenti doganali che troveranno applicazione all’inizio del 2021? Quali sono le azioni che le aziende  possono intraprendere per essere preparate al meglio al nuovo scenario?  Questo e altro ancora nel nostro secondo appuntamento!


  • Steven Sprague – Chairman of the BCCI Brexit Committee
  • Margherita Potente – Brokerage and Compliance Manager, UPS Europa
  • Davide Tentori – Senior Trade Policy Adviser, British Embassy – Rome


Logistics, custom, delivering the goods.



October 29, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm CET(GMT+02:00)


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