The Chamber
The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy is a private, non-profit making entity that works closely with the British Consulate General and Department for International Trade (DIT) in Milan and with the British Embassy in Rome.
Founded in Genoa in 1904, it is still working ever more actively to improve trade and business relationships in today’s fast paced business environment. Its headquarters are now in Milan, with regional branches throughout Italy, as well as in London.
It has around 250 Members, mostly Italian and British companies, but other nationalities are also represented. These include British businesses operating in Italy, Italian companies trading with the UK as well as a broad range of service providers and professional consultants.

The Chamber’s mission is to assist and encourage the development of trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Italy and to support and promote the interests of its Members’ commercial activities.
This is achieved by:
- Assisting and facilitating bilateral trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Italy, working closely with the British Embassy, the British Consulate and Department for International Trade (DIT).
- Supporting and promoting the interests of our Members’ commercial activities, facilitating access to the local business community and organising professional networking opportunities in major Italian cities.
- Organising professional training seminars and workshops for the benefit of Members by their peer experts, on relevant and topical business themes, including local and cross border regulations and practices.
- Offering services and business advice to our Members and the wider community, either directly or via our Members.
- Stimulating positive cultural exchange between British, Italian and other nationality Members through a selected range of social, cultural and sporting events.