Become a Member

Becoming a Member is easy, just give the Chamber office a call  (+39 02 877798) and we can discuss the membership options with you or arrange a face to face meeting.
We have various levels of membership to suit different needs but we prefer to get to know you and your business first so we can understand how the Chamber can best help you.
Just fill in the ‘application form/modulo per associazione’ (see box below), sign it and send it to us via email or directly to our offices (Piazza Castello, 26 – 20121 Milan, Italy).
Please note that confirmation of membership is subject to the approval of the Council.

  • Sponsoring Sustaining Membership | Cost per annum: Euro 15.000
  • Special Sustaining Membership | Cost per annum: Euro 3.800
  • Sustaining Membership | Cost per annum: Euro 2.000
  • Corporate Membership | Cost per annum: Euro 900
  • Individual Membership | Cost per annum: Euro 360

Please note that the fee for the first year of membership will be on pro-rata basis – see table below.

At the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy, we believe passionately in business as a force for positive change in the world. 

We give life to this belief by celebrating and advocating British business values in Italy. When we talk about ‘British values’, we mean integrity, honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility (amongst other principles); in short ‘doing the right thing’. But we also mean values such as innovation, excellence, teamwork, ambition and passion. We know these values are shared in Italy. 

This is why, in 2020 and beyond, the British Chamber will be promoting positive action on important topics such as sustainability, and diversity & inclusion. These are themes of real relevance and importance, not just for the UK and Italy as they prepare to co-host the COP26 at the end of next year – but indeed for the future of the entire planet. Likewise we will be focusing on innovation, a vital tool in contributing to positive change, specifically in areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and fintech. 

The UK is home to some of the world’s leading institutions and businesses tackling issues such as inequality and climate change and driving developments in state of the art innovation. We want to share and promote that truly British excellence with our members here in Italy; we aim to encourage them in addressing the challenge of adapting to better practices and newer ways of doing business and, most of all, we’d love to celebrate with them where they succeed.  

As we help our member businesses keep up with rapid social and technological advances, so also we are here to help deal with the consequences of political change. We don’t need to tell you that Brexit represents the single most significant and potentially seismic shift in the relationship between the UK and the world since the disintegration of the British Empire. And during this change, it is our role to assist our businesses to understand what Brexit means for them and to help them navigate the uncharted waters of a world without Britain in the EU. 
President of The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy