Each year, at the end of June, the Members of the British Chamber meet to review the progress and accomplishments of the previous twelve months of activities and engage in the definition of goals and strategies for the year ahead, as well as to review the financial results and vote on motions.
This year, the 117th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chamber took place online on Zoom on Thursday 23rd June.
It is with great pleasure that the BCCI President, Steven Sprague, informs that during the meeting, Massimo Di Terlizzi (Co-Managing Partner, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati) and Britta Weber (Managing Director, UPS Italy) were appointed as new Councillors, whilst Cristiano Cominotto and Mariateresa Giussani were re-elected Councillor for another two-year term.

Massimo Di Terlizzi is a Lawyer (Avvocato) registered with the Italian Bar Association and a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales.
Massimo is also registered with the Italian Register of Certified Tax Advisors (Dottore Commercialista) and the Italian Register of Certified Auditors (Registro dei Revisori Legali).
He is Co-Managing Partner and Member of the Executive Committee as well as of the Board of Directors of Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati; he is also Managing Partner of Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati Ltd., Chairman of Pirola Advisory China and Pirola Advisory Hong Kong and Chairman of Pirola Corporate Finance SpA.
He has knowledge of and experience with corporate M&A, Private Equity, commercial and tax law as well as restructuring transactions.
Massimo is a Member of Boards of Directors and Boards of Statutory Auditors of Italian companies and Italian subsidiaries of foreign multinational groups.
Britta Weber is the Managing Director UPS Italy.
Born in Germany, Britta graduated in Law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität Bonn in 2011. In addition, she recently graduated with a GMBA from Macquarie University, Australia.
Already in 2007, she joined UPS as a working student in Germany and spent several years within the HR function. Among other positions, she served as Europe Region Employee Engagement Coordinator and later as East Europe HR Director, based in Brussels, Belgium. As a well-rounded Senior HR Partner, she oversaw within the HR function up to six legal-entities with in total over 20,000 employees in Germany from 2016 to 2020.
Finally, Britta left the HR function to serve as the Managing Director for UPS Switzerland and Austria from June 2020 onwards. Around one year later, she accepted the position of Managing Director UPS Italy and relocated to Milan, Italy. In addition, she continues to hold power of procuration (Prokura) for the German UPS legal entities.
Furthermore, Britta serves as the chair of the Corporate and Business Law Committee at AmCham Germany since 2019. In 2021, she has been appointed as a Board Member of the Aspen Institute Germany.