Andrea Vasapolli
Honorary Regional Secretary for Piemonte
Chartered Accountant in Milan and Turin, expert for Il Sole 24 Ore, formerly Adjunct Professor of Tax Law at the Superior School of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, scientific director of the journal “Bilancio e non financial reporting” and of the journal “Wealth Planning“, both published by Il Sole 24 Ore. He has collaborated for over thirty years with the main sector journals and is a lecturer in initiatives of professional orders, universities and private entities. He is a member of the Commission “Norme di comportamento di comune interpretazione in materia tributaria” (Rules of conduct of common interpretation in tax matters) of the Italian Association of Chartered Accountants (AIDC) and of other national study commissions on tax matters. He is also co-author and editor of many books including “La scissione di società nazionali” (Ipsoa, 1993), “La conversione del capitale sociale in euro” (Ipsoa, 2000), “Il Transfer pricing nelle operazioni infragruppo” (Ipsoa, 2002), “Wealth Planning – Strumenti per la pianificazione patrimoniale e il passaggio generazionale” (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2022), “La società semplice per la pianificazione patrimoniale” (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2024), “Dal bilancio d’esercizio al reddito d’impresa” of which the 31st edition was published in 2024.
He is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioner (STEP), a qualified trust expert of the “Associazione il trust in Italia” and author of numerous articles and contributions to collective works on the subject of trusts.
He is a statutory auditor and independent director of leading companies, including listed companies or SGRs, in the service, industry, trade and financial services investment sectors.
Vasapolli & Associati
Piazza C. Emanuele II, 13-Torino
Tel.: (+39) 011 561 1319