Let us share a message of hope for our dear friends all over the world…
From Milan, one of the most affected zones, we want to tell you that you are not alone. That we are facing, and we will overcome, this crisis together. That we will come out stronger and more united than ever.
We are making individual sacrifices for the most vulnerable, for our doctors and nurses, for the common and greater good.
And we will soon get together, laugh and hug each other again.
In the meantime, we will let our one and only planet breathe, while we learn the lessons that Covid19 is teaching us.
Our fates are linked, our individual behaviours change the whole system.
We need a spirit of global cooperation and trust to overcome this health crisis, and the economic crisis that will follow.
We can use this precious time to appreciate life’s simple pleasures, to reconsider who we are and what we value, and to end up with the best version of ourselves.
We can still connect in a meaningful and intentional way, and be much closer, despite the physical distance.
We are all in this together, and together, we will win.
Paule Ansoleaga Abascal – Co-Chair, BCCI Inclusive Finance