Committed to Diversity
BCCI Gender Balance Campaign
📅 1 March – 30 April 2022
🎯 50% off on membership for the 1st year
Joining this initiative will grant any business led by a female CEO (or equivalent) a 50% reduction in Membership for the first year. This offer includes upgrades in membership tiers for existing members of the Chamber.
Connect – Share – Promote
Supporting and promoting the interests of our Members’ commercial activities, facilitating access to the local business community and organising professional networking opportunities in major Italian cities.
Organising professional training seminars and workshops for the benefit of Members by their peer experts, on relevant and topical business themes, including local and cross border regulations and practices.
Assisting and facilitating bilateral trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Italy, working closely with the British Embassy, the British Consulate and Department for International Trade.

We are a Community of Purpose
The Chamber is a vibrant business community with shared values and a common purpose. Members contribute to the success of fellow Members, by sharing best practices, expertise and business connections. Through events, seminars and exclusive meetings members find ways to advance their own business, independently of size and sector, while at the same time contributing to the growth of the business community at large.
- Special sustaining membership allows you and your management team the opportunity to attend not only our lunches, aperitifs and other general events but also VIP events, and to benefit from special connections with DIT and the British Embassy.
- Your company will have up to six named representatives with voting rights in general meetings.
- Your logo will be given high visibility on the BCCI website Home Page.
- Your logo is displayed in all numbers of Britaly, the BCCI eNewsletter, reaching over 1,100 contacts in Europe. You can have one or more news boxes inside Britaly during each year.
- You have priority access to guests and speakers at events, facilitated by the chamber staff.
- As part of your membership you have the opportunity to promote your company as sponsor at one of the BCCI events for free once per year (except business lunches).
- You can use the meeting room at the BCCI premises for free for up to 20 hours per month.
- There is no limit to the number of branches within your organisation that may be considered members.
- If the Chamber receives enquiries specific to your business we will prioritize your needs to help create new connections.
- This level is aimed at large companies wishing to have an enhanced profile in the BCCI.
- Sustaining membership allows you and your colleagues the opportunity to attend not only our lunches, aperitifs and other general events, but also VIP events
- You have up to four named representatives with voting rights.
- Your logo is continuously given a high visible on the BCCI website Home Page.
- You can have between one and three boxes inside Britaly during the year.
- You have priority access to guests and speakers during the Chamber events.
- You can use the meeting room at the BCCI premises for free for up to 20 hours per month.
- Up to ten branches within your organisation may be considered members.
- If the Chamber receives enquiries specific to your business we will help create new connections.
- You can promote your company and network to find new business and contacts.
- This level is aimed at companies and professionals wishing to network at a high level.
- Corporate membership allows your company and your colleagues the opportunity to attend our lunches, aperitifs and other general events.
- You can promote your company and network to find new business and contacts.
- If the Chamber receives enquiries specific to your business we will help create new connections.
- You can use the meeting room at the BCCI premises for free for up to 10 hours per month.
- This level is aimed at start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses. Many corporate members go on to higher levels of membership as their need for networking and sponsorship grows with their business
Working Groups
Recording available: DE&I conference ✦ UPNORMAL WHY AIM TO BE AVERAGE?
We are delighted to share video recording and teaser from our DE&I Conference "UPNORMAL WHY AIM TO BE AVERAGE?" hosted by Sky Italia on 27th October 2023. ◊ With the patronage of British Embassy Rome◊ In association with AIDP – Lombardia◊ Event kindly supported by...
DE&I Action Champion Network for integrated cooperation – Villa Wolkonsky, 28th February 2023
At the DE&I conference for integrated cooperation which took place on Tuesday 28th February at Villa Wolkonsky compelling arguments, statistical data and moving testimonials highlighted the need to intensify actions in favour of inclusion in the workplace. The...
BCCI DE&I Research results
On 28 February, during the conference "DE&I Action Champion Network for Integrated Cooperation" the DE&I working group of the Chamber revealed the result of a research carried out by Sustaining Member InTribe focusing on what workers in 2023 consider to...
Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati | Sponsoring Sustaining Member
The President of The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy, Steven Sprague, is delighted to announce that Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati has upgraded its membership to the Sponsoring Sustaining level, our highest level. Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati has been...
IWD 2022 @ Colt Technology Services with Donatella Cungi, Co-chair D&I Diversity Committee
International Women's Day has always been an opportunity to reflect on rights, bias and gender equality. The world has certainly changed a lot in the 110 years since IWD began. However, there is much more to be done to forge an equal world. One of the things we can do...
Gender Equality Week @ Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo: Promuovere l’inclusività per far crescere l’impresa e il capitale umano | Tutti gli appuntamenti dal 7 all’11 marzo
Nella settimana dedicata alla Festa della Donna, Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo organizza la Gender Equality Week: dal 7 all’11 marzo una serie di appuntamenti, webinar e formazione per coinvolgere sia i professionisti che i clienti in attività che promuovono buone...
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