ActionAid: OFF WE GO! 24 Marzo 2021

ActionAid: OFF WE GO! 24 Marzo 2021

OFF WE GO!Reti locali per l’empowerment socio-economicodelle donne fuoriuscite dalla violenza ActionAid ha il piacere di invitarvi alla conferenza finale del Progetto WeGo! – Women Economic-independence & Growth Opportunity in programma mercoledì 24 Marzo 2021...
Survey for UK Nationals living in Italy

Survey for UK Nationals living in Italy

If you are a UK National living in Italy, please answer the following short questionnaire by clicking here. The poll is strictly anonymous and will help us to tailor our engagement priorities and provide you with information on your rights as a UK National living in...
EU European Diversity Month

EU European Diversity Month

The European Diversity Month raises awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society throughout the whole European Union. It celebrates organisations’ efforts in promoting diversity and diverse teams in the workplace...