Jun 8, 2020 | Information Portal, News
View full video of the Seminar. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pauleansoleagaabascal/ Paule Ansoleaga Abascal Co-Chair & Founder, BCCI Inclusive Finance https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-bicciato-0a89a615/ Filippo Addarii Founding Partner & CEO, PlusValue...
Apr 30, 2020 | Information Portal, News
Paule Ansoleaga Abascal and Guido Traficante discuss financial monetary policy at the time of Covid-19. L’Italia, l’Europa e il resto del mondo stanno affrontando le sfide di una crisi senza precedenti, a causa della diffusione distruttiva di COVID-19....
Feb 21, 2020 | Inclusive-Finance, News
As the Covid Pandemic was expanding across Italy and disseminating fear and uncertainty, the Co-Chairs of BCCI Inclusive Finance community decided to send a message of hope and the members of the Community joined in and sent the message: “AndrĂ tutto...