BCCI Conference | DE&I ✦ UPNORMAL Why aim to be average?

fri27oct9:00 amfri1:45 pmBCCI Conference | DE&I ✦ UPNORMAL Why aim to be average?BCCI DE&I Action Champion Network

Event Details

Thank you for taking your interest in our DE&I Conference.

# We would like to inform you that following strong demand, the EVENT is now fully booked. However, there is a waiting list and, if spaces become available, we will allocate them to those on the list. To add your name to the waiting list, click here. 

# Furthermore, we are STREAMING the conference live, so if you cannot make it to the in-person event, you can register to stream it online here


DE&I Conference on Friday, 27th October 2023
from 9 am to 1pm – followed by lunch

UPNORMAL. Why aim to be average?

Event hosted by:
SKY Italia – Via Luigi Russolo, 4 Milan (MM3 Rogoredo)
+++ Live streaming on Zoom from 11:15am +++

1) Quante volte al giorno pensi alla gender equality? a cura di Winning Women Institute
2) Abilmente o disabilmente? a cura di BAT Italia in collaborazione con Seltis Hub
3) Bias 2.0: Conosci le Insidiae della tua mente a cura di SKY Italia in collaborazione con BB7
Saluti istituzionali – Steven Sprague, President at The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy
Benvenuto rinforzato – We can do better than average!
Sarah Varetto, Executive VP Communications, Inclusion & Bigger Picture di SKY Italia
Donatella Cungi, Co-Chair, BCCI DE&I ACTION CHAMPION Network
Fabio Comba, VP e Resp. Relazioni Istituzionali AIDP Lombardia, HR Director KPMG
Testimonianze – moderatore Sarah Varetto
Patrizia Brognoli, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Decathlon Italia
o My Personal Trainer, l’app 100% italiana, creata ad hoc e ora universal product
Elio Benvenuti, Consulente Assicurativo, Alleanza Assicurazioni – Gruppo Generali e Membro del Comitato lavoro, Associazione Italiana Dislessia
o La dislessia in azienda, quali le opportunità e quali le sfide?
Federica Simonetto PhD, S.F.&A. Srl, Manager e Presidentessa GGI Confindustria Alto Milanese
   Stefano Peroni, General Manager, CBS Srl – Advanced Composites
o Anche le PMI possono essere inclusive
Stefano Ferri, Giornalista, scrittore, attivista per i diritti civili
o La rivoluzione che cambiò i costumi

Conclusioni e call to actionL’inclusione ci tocca! A cura di Diana De Marchi, Consigliera delegata al Lavoro, Politiche sociali e Pari opportunità, Città metropolitana di Milano


British Embassy Rome

In association with
AIDP – Lombardia

SKY Italia |  Winning Women Institute | JCB | BAT Italia

DE&I Action Champion Network’s Founding Members:
ABC Production | BAT Italia | Bliss Corporation
BSI | Gay Lawyers | InTribe
KPMG Italy | SKY Italia |  Winning Women Institute

Working language: Italian | Participation free.
Registration required.

If you’d like to join us in person please register here
Please note that participation is limited to two to three delegates per company.

++ Live streaming ++
To join this event ONLINE, click here to register & join on Zoom (the virtual doors will open at 11:15am).


For further information please contact
Maria Luisa Fantoni, BCCI Marketing & Event Manager:

or the BCCI DE&I ACTION CHAMPION Network Co-Chairs:
Aaron Pugliesi
and Donatella Cungi donatella.cungi@toffolettodeluca.it


October 27, 2023 9:00 am - 1:45 pm(GMT+02:00)

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