Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 | Il ruolo della fiducia: imprese e leader che guardano al futuro

wed22mar10:00 amwed11:30 amEdelman Trust Barometer 2023 | Il ruolo della fiducia: imprese e leader che guardano al futuroEvent in collaboration with Edelman

Event Details

Presentata tradizionalmente al World Economic Forum di Davos e giunta alla sua 23esima edizione, il Trust Barometer è la prima indagine al mondo sul tema “Trust”, realizzata dalla società di comunicazione Edelman per misurare il grado di fiducia della popolazione nei confronti delle principali istituzioni (Business, Governi, Media e ONG).

Oltre ad una fotografia delle dinamiche più recenti della fiducia a livello globale, grazie ad oltre vent’anni di storia l’analisi di Edelman è in grado di fornire una chiave di lettura delle tendenze di lungo termine che stanno trasformando l’assetto della società.

In questo quadro, dove si collocano le organizzazioni dei principali paesi europei? Qual è l’orientamento del Regno Unito? In cosa crede davvero la popolazione e quali sono le principali paure che ne orientano le scelte? Cosa si aspettano gli stakeholder dal mondo delle imprese e dai propri leader e su cosa dovrebbe puntare il settore privato per guidare il cambiamento in atto?

Ne discuteranno Fiorella Passoni, CEO Edelman Italia, e Steven Sprague, Presidente di The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy


Il webinar si terrà sulla piattaforma Zoom.
Partecipazione gratuita previa registrazione al seguente link:

For further information please contact Maria Luisa Fantoni – BCCI Marketing & Event Manager:

Fiorella Passoni
CEO; Edelman Italia

With over 30 years of experience in the communications field, Fiorella Passoni leads operations for Edelman Italy. She provides strategic counsel to organizations during their initial launch, growth, and transformation phases, all while protecting their reputation in times of issues and crisis. 

Fiorella is a guiding force in the industry’s ever-evolving communication model where purpose and creativity serve as crucial elements to solve business challenges. An action communications model driven by the concept of “earned at the core and social by design” which leverages insights, data and technology to unlock culturally-relevant social issues as drivers for making positive societal impact, earn attention and – ultimately – trust.

Within the Edelman network, Fiorella is a member of the Global Strategy Committee, the Global Trust Barometer Committee, and the EMEA Leadership Team. She has received numerous industry accolades, including “Communication Manager of the Year” and, most recently, “Manageritalia Excellence Award” and “Positive Business Manager”. Under her leadership, Edelman Italy has also been recognized with the “Positive Business Company & Team Award” as well as named “Most Innovative Agency of the Year.” 

In 2020, Fiorella was selected to participate in the prestigious International Women’s Forum “Fellows Program:” for an intensive leadership development experience in partnership with the Harvard Business School and INSEAD Business Schools for 28 women leaders representing 14 nations.

Fiorella is a member of InTheBoardroom by ValoreD Alumnae network, that drives and supports the inclusion of talented women on Boards of Directors.

Since 2023 Fiorella is a member of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’ Advisory Board.

Member of the Council for the United States and Italy since 2021.

Fiorella also served as adjunct professor at the LUMSA University in Rome.


March 22, 2023 10:00 am - 11:30 am(GMT+02:00)


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