Sep 18, 2020 | Information Portal, Members news, News
LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners and Deloitte Legal have announced a strategic alliance aimed at bringing together LabLaw’s excellence in labor law and the multidisciplinarity and innovation in the legal advisory services market of Deloitte Legal,...
May 5, 2020 | Employment Law, Tax&Legal
LabLaw è lieta di offrire ancora una volta il proprio contributo professionale pubblicando l’e-book EMERGENZA SANITARIA E GESTIONE DEL PERSONALE a cura del Prof. Avv. Francesco Rotondi (Managing Partner), l’Avv. Alessandro Paone (Partner), Angelo Quarto (Partner) e...
Mar 12, 2020 | Employment Law, Members news, News, Tax&Legal
LABLAW has created an Operation Guide for Employers (in Italian) to assist businesses. The document contains shared guidelines for the adoption of safety protocols. Download document Visit member...
Mar 12, 2020 | Members news, News, Tax&Legal
The situation is moving very quickly in Italy and it is a challenge for Employers to keep up with the changes which seemto be happening almost every 48 hours.What we do know is that the restrictions on movement in Italy have slowly been tightened more and more over...