May 13, 2021 | Information Portal, Members news, News
The suspension of physical events and the everchanging restrictions applied to the meeting industry and global travel have seen new trends arise to create original experiences that can be equally significant for the target audience. There starts the era of...
May 5, 2021 | Information Portal, Members news, News
Following the recent regulations and aided by the fact that days are getting longer and warmer days are coming, the opportunities to spend time outdoor increase every day! Some Marriott International’s hotels in Milan are also responding to the citizens’...
Aug 28, 2020 | Information Portal, News
Following a period of temporary closure due to government regulation during COVID-19, Sheraton Diana Majestic and The Westin Palace, Milan are now enthusiastically reopening their doors. Marriott International has been recognized as a hospitality leader for 92 years...